“We are so often caught up in our destination that we forget to appreciate the journey.” ~unknown~Isn't that quote so true! I know it is for me!
Like yesterday for example....
I had an appointment at the spa. As usual I was running behind ....so I raced to make it there on time. Then I had trouble finding a parking spot and had to drive around the block a couple of times before something finally opened up. Then I stepped in a puddle of water and soaked the bottom of my jeans. Needless to say, by the time I got inside I was wound up tight.
I checked in and was sent to the relaxation room. While sitting there I began to focus on all the things I needed to do once my pedicure was finished. Before long I was checking my watch, wondering how much longer it would be before someone would come to get me.
Suddenly, when I realized I was anxiously tapping my foot, I said to myself. "What in the world are you doing? Look around you!! IT'S. A. RELAXATION. ROOM. For goodness sake, take a breath .......and relax."
And I did!
I took a deep breath. I looked around at the soothing wall color. I laid my head back. I closed my eyes. And I listened to trickling sounds of the water feature.
I allowed myself to be in the moment.
And you know what....
Everything that needed to be done afterwards still got done.