My dear friend Catherine from Corner of Cat's Mind, bestowed on me my very first blogger award: The Versatile Blogger award! Thank you Catherine, I am truly honoured!
If you haven't checked Catherine out yet drop on over! You'll love her! She is a wonderful, down to earth, talented lady with unbelievable photo skills, a gorgeous kitty named Banjo, and a sense of humour you're gonna love!!!
The rules:
Rule 1. Thank the person who gave it to you.
Rule 2. Share 9 things about yourself.
Rule 3. Pass the award along to 9 bloggers who you think are fantastic.
Rule 4. Contact Blog award winners.
Here it goes...9 things you may not know about me:
1. I am totally terrified of bees and wasps. I am not really sure where this fear comes from, as I have never been stung, but it's there...it's definitely there!
2. I can not watch a movie in which an animal gets hurt, or is placed in danger. I can watch all kinds of gore, but put an animal in danger and I am hiding my face.
3. I am an only child.
4. I have a slight shoe/purse addiction. Shhh!!
5. For most of my life I have been followed by triple digits! As a kid the last four digits of my phone number was 2226. I married my husband whose parents number was 6999. Our first phone number together was 5556. Then we moved to Saskatchewan in 1997 and our number became 7555 ( it remained that way until we changed service providers) And now our daughter's number is 8777. All of these "triple" numbers were randomly assigned. Isn't that weird?
6. I wear socks to bed almost every night...even during the summer.
7. I am not from Saskatchewan originally. I was born and raised in Newfoundland - a place very dear to my heart.
8. I am way too soft hearted and sensitive for my own good!
9. I tend to be a little shy/quiet when you first meet me, but that never lasts for long. The "real me" tends to be a bit of a ham, who absolutely loves to laugh.
Ok...now I get to pass this wonderful award on to 9 bloggers I think are fantastic. Picking 9 was difficult because there are so many wonderful bloggers out there, but here goes:
1. Yoj - Do What Now? - a beautiful gal with a terrific sense of humour, and a blog you'll fall in love with!
2. Katrina - Kat's Cradle - a talented, crafty lady with a huge heart, and a beautiful blog!
3. Susan - Just...a moment - gorgeous inspiring photos with inspirational thoughts!
4. Lisa - My Version of Life - she's a busy mom, with absolutely beautiful children, and a heart and home filled to the brim with love.
5. Christina - Soul Aperture - this beautiful lady is full of love and inspiration and her blog always leaves me with the warm fuzzies!
6. Connie - LOOSE LEMONS - she's a proud grandma (like myself) with a beautiful blog!
7. Micalea - Dolce Vita - a gorgeous lady with a love for all things Carrie Bradshaw - check her out!
8. Kary - My Farmhouse Kitchen - she's a new mommy to a adorable new puppy named Teddy!
9. Bethany - Rinse.Repeat - this beautiful lady always amazes me with her crafty ideas!
Thank you again Catherine! :)